Python Pro-Clean Gravel Washer & Syphon Kit

Sizes Mini Small Small Tall Medium Large XL Large w-Squeeze Medium w-Squeeze

Ideal for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike, the Python Pro-Clean Gravel Washer & Syphon Kit efficiently removes debris during routine water changes. With a wide variety of sizes, Python is sure to have a Pro-Clean for any size aquarium.


Mini: aquariums up to 10 gallons in size. 1" x 6" Tube / 6 ft Hose
Small: aquariums 10-20 gallons in size. 2" x 10" Tube / 6 ft Hose
Small Tall: ideal for nano aquariums. 1" x 20" Tube / 6 ft Hose
Medium: aquariums up to 20 gallons in size. 1" x 12" Tube / 6 ft Hose
Large: aquariums 20-55 gallons in size. 2" x 16" Tube / 6 ft Hose
X-Large: aquariums over 55 gallons in size. 2" x 24" Tube / 6 ft Hose