Living World Green Botanicals Premium Alfalfa Hay

Flavor Herb & Flower MIx Veggie Mix
Sizes 340 g 680 g

Featuring all-natural alfalfa hay with a sweet aroma, Living World Green Botanicals Premium Alfalfa Hay is high in protein and calcium, making it ideal for growing or nursing pets. Variety mixes including flowers or dehydrated vegetables create a healthy, enriching snack that encourages natural foraging behaviours.


Herb & Flower: Alfalfa Hay, Rose Petal, Hibiscus Flower, Marigold Flower (Calendula), Nettle Leaves, Birch Leaves, Raspberry Leaves, Blue Cornflower, Chamomile Flower

Veggie Mix: Alfalfa Hay, Pumpkin Seed, Red Beet Flakes, Parsnip, Parsley, Zucchini, Carrot, Spinach