- 1 x BBC Micro:bit Development Board
- 1 x micro:bit Expansion board
- 1 x Micro USB Cable
- 1 x Breadboard
- 4 x Button (large)
- 1 x Button cap (red)
- 1 x Button cap (white)
- 2 x Button cap (blue)
- 4 x Red LED
- 4 x Green LED
- 4 x Yellow LED
- 4 x Blue LED
- 1 x RGB
- 1 x Active buzzer
- 1 x Passive buzzer
- 2 x NPN Transistor (8050)
- 2 x PNP Transistor (8550)
- 2 x Tilt switch
- 10 x 10kΩ Resistor
- 16 x 220Ω Resistor
- 10 x 1kΩ Resistor
- 2 x Photoresistor
- 1 x LCD1602
- 1 x IIC interface module
- 1 x Potentiometer
- 1 x 7-Segment Display
- 1 x Ultrasonic Module
- 1 x Servo
- 1 x PS2 Joystick
- 1 x DC Motor Module
- 1 x Rotary Encoder
- 1 x 4*4 Matrix keyboard
- 10 x Color Alligator Clip Test Cable
- 20 x Male to Male Jumper Wires
- 20 x Female to Female Jumper Wires
- 40 x Male to Female Jumper Wires
Zip File